Food, Family and Security


Introduced: 2/28/2024

H.R.1249 / S.557 – Opportunities for Fairness in Farming (OFF) Act


  • The OFF Act is a true case of the “two ends of the horseshoe” coming together. Both the libertarian right and the progressive right support the OFF Act which seeks to bring accountability and transparency to corrupt USDA checkoff programs.

What does the OFF Act do?

  • The bill prohibits check-off dollars, monies farmers are forced to by when they sell their commodity, from being used to lobby the government. It also requires these programs to go through an independent audit and submit their congressionally mandated financial reports on time.

What’s the Big Deal?

  • The OFF is important because checkoff programs are meant to advocate on behalf of farmers. In reality, they act as trade associations for the largest packers and consolidators in the agricultural space who often work against the best interests of farmers. Furthermore, the largest checkoff programs operate under a veil of secrecy. Audits about the usage of farmer dollars are not made public to the farmers themselves. Financial reports required to be submitted to Congress are never sent. In essence, these opaque programs meant to support farmers are funding the interests which are driving them out of business.

What’s the Latest?

  • The Senate version, 557, has been referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee.
  • The House version, R. 7187, has been referred to the House Agriculture Committee