
A Crucial Step Toward Healing the Foster Care System

By Moms For America


Children seek a home, yet not every home finds a child. As someone who grew up in the foster care system, I understand this harsh reality all too well. That’s why I am encouraged by the introduction of the Create Accountable Respectful Environments (CARE) for Children Act – a bill that aims to transform the foster care experience by providing funding for “cottage homes,” or foster care settings that resemble traditional family environments and strive to preserve familial bonds.

The CARE Act is designed to expand federal reimbursement eligibility to these cottage homes – an essential step that, surprisingly, has not been a standard practice. Currently, these homes, operated by licensed childcare agencies, are ineligible for reimbursements that cover basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. This creates a disincentive for child welfare agencies to provide the nurturing environments that are ideal for children, essentially neglecting the best interests of those in their care. By extending reimbursement schedules to these settings, the CARE Act promises to improve outcomes for children by aligning foster care with the supportive environments that every child deserves.


Children seek a home, yet not every home finds a child. As someone who grew up in the foster care system, I understand this harsh reality all too well. That’s why I am encouraged by the introduction of the Create Accountable Respectful Environments (CARE) for Children Act – a bill that aims to transform the foster care experience by providing funding for “cottage homes,” or foster care settings that resemble traditional family environments and strive to preserve familial bonds.

The CARE Act is designed to expand federal reimbursement eligibility to these cottage homes – an essential step that, surprisingly, has not been a standard practice. Currently, these homes, operated by licensed childcare agencies, are ineligible for reimbursements that cover basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. This creates a disincentive for child welfare agencies to provide the nurturing environments that are ideal for children, essentially neglecting the best interests of those in their care. By extending reimbursement schedules to these settings, the CARE Act promises to improve outcomes for children by aligning foster care with the supportive environments that every child deserves.

One of the most heartbreaking aspects of the foster care system is the separation of siblings. Children are often removed from their homes and, tragically, from each other. Many siblings are separated at such a young age that their bond is irreparably damaged. The CARE Act addresses this critical issue by mandating that siblings remain together within cottage homes, unless a court order dictates otherwise. Additionally, the Act requires that these homes facilitate ongoing communication between children and their birth families, recognizing that many children will eventually be reunited with their immediate families or relatives.

The CARE Act also introduces essential safeguards to ensure that children in foster care receive the same freedoms to develop, learn, and play as their non-foster peers. It mandates continuous evaluation of care quality from the child’s perspective and provides a system for children to report mistreatment. These measures are vital in ensuring that every child in foster care feels safe, valued, and heard.

The prospects for the CARE Act are promising. This bipartisan bill has garnered support from a broad coalition of Republicans and Democrats, notably from Florida, which has the third-largest foster care population in the nation. As a Florida resident, I am heartened by our state’s leadership on this critical issue.

A society’s character is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable members. Historical and spiritual figures, such as Jesus, sought to uplift those left behind, emphasizing the inherent worth of every individual. Our foster care system, in its current state, falls short of this moral standard. With a significant decline in licensed foster parents over the past few years and alarming statistics about aging-out youth facing homelessness, there is an urgent need for reform.

The CARE Act represents a beacon of hope for improving the foster care system. By providing much-needed resources and promoting a nurturing environment, it offers a lifeline to countless children waiting for stability and care. If Congress is to demonstrate its commitment to compassion and justice, it must act swiftly to pass the CARE Act and pave the way for a brighter future for our most vulnerable children.

Margaret Iuculano,
Former Foster Child & Special Counsel, Moms for America

Beware the Pork Perk for China in the 2023 Farm Bill

On July 11, 2023
By Christian Jose


An insidious incursion into American agriculture by an enemy State is stealthily unfolding, maneuvering through the corridors of Washington.

For baffling reasons, some politicians are pushing a radical and unprecedented carveout into the Farm Bill that would enable large foreign pork conglomerates operating on US soil to completely bypass state laws. Smithfield, a titan in the American pork industry – since 2013 a wholly Chinese-owned entity – would be the primary beneficiary of this. Yes, Smithfield, the
Stop China’s Takeover of U.S. Agriculture / Oppose Eats Act, H.R.4417/S.2019 5
Largest pork producer not just in the United States but the world, ceased being an American company in 2013.

Sen. Tim Scott: COVID taught us this lesson – school choice matters more than ever

On January 28, 2021
By Fox News

BY TIM SCOTT, U.S. Congressman


It is not a coincidence that support for school choice is steady and growing after the coronavirus pandemic

Over the last few years, the coronavirus pandemic has forced families of all backgrounds to make impossible choices.

People’s lives and livelihoods have been upended; we’ve changed the way we engage in our communities; and schools across the country have been shuttered, presenting unexpected challenges for working families. While the impact we’re feeling now is immediate, the unintended consequences of keeping our young people home for a year will be felt far into their futures and the future of our country.

House, Senate GOP to roll out bill to block biological men from participating in US Olympic events for females

On February 1, 2024
By Fox News


Republican Rep. Greg Steube and Sen. Tommy Tuberville will introduce a bicameral bill that would block biological men from participating in any U.S. Olympic Committee event intended for women, Fox News Digital has learned.

A Fail-Safe Congressional Fiscal Commission to Fix Government Spending and Debt

On November 29, 2023
By CATO Institute

BY ROMINA BOCCIA, Director of Budget and Entitlement Policy, Cato Institute

Members of Congress say they want to be in the driver’s seat on correcting America’s rapidly deteriorating fiscal situation. Recent fiscal commission bills, such as the House Fiscal Commission Act [H.R. 5779] and its companion bill the Senate Fiscal Stability Act [S. 3262], require politicians to make up a majority of commission members and for Congress to vote on a final package. Previous bills, including the Sustainable Budget Act (H.R. 710) would only allow members of Congress to serve on a fiscal commission. There is a real risk that such a politically driven approach will fail (again).

Mooney unveils bill to block central bank digital currency pilot program

On May 30, 2023
By Fox News


A growing number of Republican lawmakers are calling to block a central bank digital currency from being issued in the U.S., and Rep. Alex Mooney of West Virginia is the latest to join the chorus.

Taking Back America’s Colleges and Universities

On June 6, 2023
By The American Mind


I started the House Anti-Woke Caucus in January to build a coalition that identifies and roots out wokeness from the federal government and American public life. Our first task has been to identify areas where a small action could have an outsized effect. The university system is a target-rich environment for our caucus, and the higher education accreditation cartel has helped make colleges a source and stronghold of wokeness.

Farm Bill’s Gift to China and National Security Threat to Us

On July 21, 2024
By General Flynn


Many of you saw in a recent Dr. Phil interview with former US President Trump the alarming issue with Chinese Communists buying strategic swaths of land around US military bases. This is not the only land-based threat the Chinese Communists pose from within America’s borders. In the landscape of modern warfare, China and our other adversaries are not just aiming at our military infrastructure but at the everyday essentials we take for granted – like our food. Our food supply stands as a glaring vulnerability—a weak point that, if compromised, could thrust our society into utter chaos. China has already set its sights on our food supply, and alarmingly, many Americans, including elected officials, fail to recognize the Trojan Horse that’s in our backyard. Now, it’s gone from the shadows to inside the House of Representatives’ Farm Bill.

Washington, don’t tread on states’ Ag rights

On February 16, 2024


Recent events reminded me of a saying we have here in Texas, “Let Texans run Texas.” This declaration is a reminder of the importance of states’ rights, why we must protect our sovereignty, and each and every state’s Constitutional right to determine their own laws based upon what is best for that state. It’s a reminder that we are, indeed, the United States of America.

Protect American Family Farmers

On April 30, 2024


As an American musician, I may not be your typical voice in the political arena, but as a proud advocate for the American family farmer and rancher, and a grandson of a Texas panhandle farmer, I feel compelled to speak out against the so-called Ending Agriculture Trade Suppression (EATS) Act, H.R. 4417/S. 2019, led by Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, and Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., and other legislation like it that House Agriculture Committee Members plan to include in the upcoming Farm Bill. This proposed legislation threatens the very livelihoods of hardworking individuals who form the backbone of our nation’s agricultural industry.

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