
Moms for America is dedicated to advancing policies that promote national debt reduction and fiscal responsibility. Our primary focus is on crafting and endorsing legislation that aims to reduce government spending and adhere to budgetary constraints. We strive to maintain financial stability and sustainability for our country while also working to limit the debt that will be passed on to future generations.

Fiscal Commission Act of 2023

H.R.5779 – Fiscal Commission Act of 2023

Introduced: 9/28/2023




Press Releases

Additional Finance Bills


  • Lead Sponsor: Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI)
  • Short Title: Fiscal Commission Act of 2023
  • Introduced: 09/28/2023
  • Latest Action: The Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 was referred to the House Budget Committee and the House Rules Committee. The House Budget Committee marked up and passed the bill on 01/18/2024. The bill still needs to be marked up in the House Rules Committee.
  • Senate Version: No
  • Cosponsors: 26 (14 Republicans / 12 Democrats)
  • Rep. Bill Huizenga Press Release
  • Endorsements: Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Brookings Institution, National Taxpayers Union, other thought leaders, former Senators, former members of Congress.
  • Summary: The Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 would create a commission to identify policies that improve our nation’s medium-and long-term fiscal outlook, make Federal trust funds solvent for at least 75 years, and stabilize the debt-to-GDP ratio at the “earliest reasonable date” (at a minimum within 10 years). A similar but not identical bipartisan companion bill called the Fiscal Stability Act of 2023 was introduced by Senators Romney (R-UT) and Manchin (D-WV) and eight other Republican and Democrat Senators back in November of 2023.

Related Press Releases

Huizenga Introduces The Fiscal Commission Act of 2023

On September 29, 2023
By Congressman Bill Huizenga


A Fail-Safe Congressional Fiscal Commission to Fix Government Spending and Debt

On November 29, 2023
By CATO Institute

BY ROMINA BOCCIA, Director of Budget and Entitlement Policy, Cato Institute

Members of Congress say they want to be in the driver’s seat on correcting America’s rapidly deteriorating fiscal situation. Recent fiscal commission bills, such as the House Fiscal Commission Act [H.R. 5779] and its companion bill the Senate Fiscal Stability Act [S. 3262], require politicians to make up a majority of commission members and for Congress to vote on a final package. Previous bills, including the Sustainable Budget Act (H.R. 710) would only allow members of Congress to serve on a fiscal commission. There is a real risk that such a politically driven approach will fail (again).